Posts filed under: Blog

Every chef has a great time planning a menu and coming up with new food items. The creative side of the business is always fun. Then the rubber hits the......
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Business owners are always looking for ways to reduce expenses. Not because they’re cheap, but because every penny spent in business reduces the profits. Here are 10 ideas to minimize......
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A capital account is an ownership account which a sole proprietor may have, or which partners may share in the business. This capital account includes all the cash and other......
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When your medical practice needs financing, there are a number of ways to get it. Along with traditional financing options, doctors have the added benefit of additional financing options, including......
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Most businesses need outside funding at some stage of their growth. They may need to acquire real estate, purchase inventory or equipment, maintain cash flow through slack seasons, handle emergencies,......
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When you’re running a brand-new business (or thinking about it), one of the big questions you need to consider is how do I get my first clients? You’re not the......
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This is a very favorable time for hotel purchasing, but that doesn’t mean that everyone who invests in a hotel will automatically receive a great return. If you are thinking......
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If you thought you needed to be free of business debt and personal debt before starting your own business, that’s not exactly true. Many business owners have begun a brand-new......
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Virtually all small businesses have the intention and the hope of growing into a much larger corporation which will provide them with financial stability, and perhaps even wealth for a......
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There are a number of alternative financing strategies you can use if you have been turned down for a loan by a traditional lending institution. In fact, this is fairly......
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